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Metronidazole - General information

Metronidazole is one of few antibacterial drugs which effectively destroys protozoa agents of the infections. It is not typical antibacterial product, therefore its pharmacological action has broader spectrum.

Metronidazole provides antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, trichomonicidal, and antiulcer action. The drug is released in different medical forms and may be used for the treatment of the infections of the various sites. Due to this, Metronidazole has become a leading medicine for the treatment of the infections caused by protozoa organisms.

These are infections which are not treatable by the usual antibiotics. The germs often do not react to the bactericidal or bacteriostatic properties of the advanced drugs such as penicillin, macrolides, etc.

The mechanism of the action of Metronidazole differs from the action of many antibacterial drugs. When the active components reach the body, the drug quickly penetrates into the tissues and liquids, slips into the respiratory chain of protozoa and anaerobe and causes the disorder in the respiratory processes. Due to no ability to take in oxygen the microorganisms quickly stop developing and die.

Using Metronidazole in the higher doses the concentration of the active ingredients in the tissues and liquids is increased, and it allows to struggle with more complicated infectious processes. Metronidazole in high doses inhibits the DNA synthesis of bacteria, and they die.

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Directions for the use Metronidazole

In order to buy Metronidazole and start taking it, it is required to be confident in the diagnosis and germs of the infection. This drug is ineffective for the common infections, and it is used only for the treatment of:

  • amebiasis: intestinal, extraintestinal
  • amebic liver abscess
  • Trichomoniasis: urethritis, vaginitis
  • meningitis and brain abscess caused by anaerobes
  • bacterial endocarditis
  • Gastric or duodenal ulcer associated with Helicobacter pylori.

Metronidazole: Dosage details

Metronidazole tablets are prescribed adults and children with no diseases of liver and acute dysfunctions of the gastro-intestinal tract. The tablets should be used during meals, or right after the meals.

  • For trichomoniasis 250 mg is prescribed 2 times a day within 10 days. In case of the inefficiency of this dosage, another course with the dose of 400 mg 2 times per day is possible within 7-10 days.
  • Treating trichomoniasis women are recommended using the vaginal suppositories with Metronidazole, and men use ointment of the local application.
  • For lambliasis 500 mg is prescribed 2 times a day within 5-7 days.
  • For amebiasis 500 mg is prescribed 2-3 times a day within 5-7 days. In case of the sharp course of the disease the dosage is increased up to 750 mg 3 times a day till the signs disappear.

This dosage regimen is mentioned for the use by adults and children older than 12 years. Children under 12 years old are prescribed the individual dosage depending on the age, weight, and form of the infection.

Metronidazole: Side effects

Using Metronidazole patients may notice the blurred urina. This side effect appears in most cases but it does not cause discomfort of the patient.

Rare, headache, sleep disorder, dry mouth, stomatitis, disorder of the coordination, high excitement, weakness, and candidosis are observed. These adverse reactions may be caused by the intolerance of Metronidazole. If the side effects do not bother you, the help of the doctor is not required.

Interaction with other medical products

  • Metronidazole increases the action of the indirect anticoagulants, and it leads to the increase of the time formation of plasmozyme.
  • Cimetidine slows down the metabolism to excrete Metronidazole from the body, so that the concentration of the antibacterial drug may be increased. It is not recommended to take them at the same time, or the adjustment of the dose of Metronidazole is required.
  • It is strictly contraindicated to take Metronidazole with ethanol alcohol in any forms
  • Sulfanilamides increase the antimicrobial action of Metronidazole


In case of the overdose the patient has the following symptoms: ataxia, vomiting, nausea, hives, peripheric neuropathy, and also epileptic attacks.

During the first signs of the overdose it is needed to seek the qualified medical aid and take measures to remove Metronidazole from the body.

Where to buy Metronidazole no prescription?

Buy Metronidazole Online

Brand names include:Flagyl, Flagyl 375, Flagyl ER, Protostat, Metryl, Metrogyl DG,

Active ingredient: Metronidazole

Class: Miscellaneous antibiotics

Formulation Type : Pills 200 400 mg; Gel 20g

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